
The Voice of Advocacy

Karen Moore, President and CEO of Moore, is the voice of advocacy in a number of industries. As a respected thought leader, she has shared her insights in advocacy, integrated communications and crisis communication through articles published in dozens of publications. She has also addressed more than 250 organizations on topics such as leadership, entrepreneurship, advocacy, crisis communications, marketing, and networking.
With the application of Karen’s methodologies, organizations and attendees walk away with the advocacy tools to help shape public opinion and policies, sell products and services, build conversations and communities, and more.

“Karen is a true professional… She is a rock star! During her presentation I received several electronic messages asking me when we can get her booked to speak again. Her work speaks volumes for anyone that is looking to be cutting edge in business.”

David R. Mica

Executive Director, Florida Petroleum Council

Key Topics


The red door is a differentiator. It signifies welcome, energy, and passion. It means action. Success in branding means differentiating yourself. A brand is not your logo; it’s not your identity; it’s not your product. A brand is the gut feeling someone has about your company, product, or issue. Karen shares strategies for making your organization stand out.


Credit a fourth grade teacher with providing an important business lesson at an early age, “Keep your eyes on your own paper!” As business leaders, how much time do we waste chasing the competition? The focus, instead, should be inward. How can we be more innovative? How can we identify champions for our brand and products? How do we create a culture of teamwork, creativity, and empowerment? Karen discusses ways to leave the competition behind by developing your own benchmarks for success.


One person can make a difference. In today’s contentious political climate, we often feel powerless, but the truth is elected leaders still listen to their constituents. Advocacy success requires harnessing your passion through an effective strategy. Karen shares her roadmap for advocacy and inspires with stories about everyday people who found their voice and changed the world for the better.

Featured Events

California Women’s Lead

Keynote Speaker, Building Your Advocacy Success

Florida Sterling Council

Keynote Speaker, Visionary Leadership

Association of Florida Colleges

Keynote Speaker, Leading the Nation

Florida Psychiatric Society

Keynote Speaker, Crisis Communication: Coming Out of a Crisis on Top

Canada’s Research-Based Pharmaceutical Companies (RX&D)

Panelist, International Perspectives on Patient Access

HR Florida Conference

Keynote Speaker, Building a Great Company

US Women’s Health Alliance Annual Meeting

Keynote Speaker, The Power of a Brand

American Healthcare Association/National Center for Assisted Living Quality Symposium

Opening Remarks

Suicide Prevention Resource Center

Keynote Speaker, Successful Internal and External Communications, Strategies on a Shoestring Budget

Florida Commission on the Status of Women, Women’s Day at the Capitol

Keynote Speaker, Is Your Message Being Heard?

Large Urology Group Practice Association Annual Meeting

Marketing Session Presenter, Marketing Your Practice: Effective Strategies and Tools

Mental Health America of Georgia

Keynote Speaker, Charge that Hill: Building and Activating an Effective Grassroots Advocacy Program 

National Patient Advocacy Leaders Summit

Keynote Speaker, Six Crisis Communications Principals 

Business Leadership Network

Marketing Session Presenter, Building and Engaging an Effective Brand

Coalition to Protect Healthcare Access

Keynote Speaker, Influencing Public Policy,: The 10Bs for Engaging Your Elected Officials

As a respected thought leader, Karen speaks on topics in advocacy, branding, marketing, crisis communication, and much more.

To book Karen for your next event or receive a FREE chapter of one of her books, please contact: lizb@themooreagency.com.