Live Moore

10 Questions to Ask About Your Brand

Your brand is not your logo. Your brand is what others think your brand is. It is the identity that others associate with you. If asked, what word would a client, potential client, or potential employee associate with your organization’s name? I once worked with a client that believed the organization’s brand reflected three words—integrity, excellence, and approachable. After doing focus groups, we found the words associated with the organization were expensive, profit-focused, and corporate. Their brand was clear and memorable, but not desired. There was a misalignment in the perception of the brand. You should define your brand and then own it. You need to walk it and talk it! 

To assess and elevate your brand, here are 10 questions to ask:

  • Have you defined your brand?  
  • Is your brand authentic and compelling?  Can you articulate it in one word or one sentence? 
  • Does your brand reflect and reinforce your values?  
  • Where and how are you communicating your brand? 
  • What is the impression you radiate to viewers on your website? 
  • On your social/digital platforms, does the engagement support and reinforce the brand? 
  • Does each employee understand the brand and reflect it internally and externally? 
  • Do you align your actions and corporate social responsibility programs with your desired brand?
  • What methods are you using to assess your brand? 
  • Do you conduct regular brand feedback sessions? 

Build a strong, clear, and recognizable brand. It is an essential key to reach your business goals. 

Moore Musings

Since launching #LiveMooreMonday four years ago, I’ve heard from many of you that Live Moore inspires you to dream bigger, be bolder in business and learn more about the world we live in. Check out all my past Moore Musings.