What’s in store for Live Moore 2022

My wish for you this year is that you live more. Live with more passion, more purpose and more joy. That you live into your potential, both personally and professionally. To get there, you must strive to master living with intention.

Living with intention has been a key to my success. Professionally, it has helped me grow The Moore Agency into the No. 49 Largest Agency in the US. Personally, it has nurtured my dreams into treasured experiences — such as visiting 91 countries (and counting). Living with intention is fundamental to how I “Live Moore.”

Since launching #LiveMooreMonday four years ago, I’ve heard from many of you that Live Moore inspires you to dream bigger, be bolder in business and learn more about the world we live in.  

I am often asked questions such as “What are your favorite UNESCO World Heritage sites in Istanbul” or “What advice do you have for managing teams.” These questions, and many like them, were the inspiration to include the entire collection of Live Moore musings in one place. As a result, LiveMooreMonday.com will now hold all past and present Live Moore entries.

In addition, each month, I’ll share a new insight here on how to Live Moore; my deepest hope is that these “Moore Musings” will propel you on your own quest for excellence. In the meantime, here are a few tips to live with intention:

  • Engage your mind. Stay sharp, interesting and relevant. Spend less time on social media and more time reading books. TED Talks and podcasts will expose you to new ideas. Journal, create a collection, take a class. Support your expanding mind with sleep, good nutrition and exercise.
  • Set goals and write them down. This can be daily: Start each day with three tasks that must be accomplished. And this can be longer term: With a laser focus, identify one thing that you believe will have an impact and make it a habit.
  • Maximize your precious time. Don’t wait to be inspired to work on a task; just do it! Delegate. Say no. Get up early and do something that brings you joy. Determine what matters most to you in life and act accordingly.