Successful habits of CEOs

I recently participated in a national CEO panel and we were asked, “What are daily habits that are essential for successful CEOs?” I don’t believe there is consensus on this question. CEOs are as diverse as their companies. Habits are not traits or values. However, here are three habits that I have developed since founding Moore that you may want to consider incorporating into your daily routine.

  • Learn something new each day. Lifelong learning is not just a motto. A focus on learning one thing new keeps you sharp, interesting, and relevant. This can be as simple as watching a TED talk or opening the dictionary to learn a new word. Don’t forget to share it with others.
  • Start your day with a list of the three things that must be accomplished that day. Keeping a long running “to do” list becomes overwhelming and hard to accomplish.
  • Success comes from hard work, focus, determination, and luck. You should end each day spending one minute writing down the 1-3 things that you are grateful for that day. Practicing an attitude of gratefulness may make you feel better, less stressed, and more energized. It’s also interesting to look back over time and see what you have written.

Certainly, there are many other habits that successful CEOs have such as daily workouts, meditation, keeping a daily journal, or listening to music to clear their mind. My advice is to identify one thing that you believe will have an impact and make it a habit.

So what new habit will you pick? Writing it down is the first step to making it a reality.