Overused Words

Does it seem that business leaders have begun to only communicate using metaphors, clichés, and emojis? The proliferation of business buzzwords and buzzphrases has been taken to new heights. We even see emojis used to answer questions. It may seem creative to use a cliché to make an important point or end your text with a smiley face; however, they have become overused, out of date, and certainly annoying. Let’s get back to writing in complete sentences and saying what we really mean.

Let me “tee this up.” Here is my list of a few business metaphors and clichés that should be eliminated from our vocabulary.

  • “At the end of the day” — Shouldn’t we just say, “This is what matters.” If it’s really at the end of the day, let’s say, “Margarita time!”
  • “Ballpark” — Do we really need another sporting analogy?
  • “Level set” — This should only be used when discussing concrete.
  • “Open a can of worms” — I like worms. Why have we given them such a negative brand? If you need to discuss a difficult topic, just start talking.
  • “Empower” — Ok, I empower you to do something … now please go do it.
  • “Low-hanging fruit” — I once was on a conference call and counted the number of times this phrase was used. After the 23rd time I heard it, I wanted to cut down that fruit tree and use it for firewood!
  • “Open the kimono” — Does anyone want that visual?
  • “So, let me bring this in for a landing.” If you have other phrases to add, “we should circle back.”

What’s your pet peeve?