New Year’s Resolutions

The new year is off to a great start, so I’ve decided to make a resolution I can keep: I want to live more. Isn’t that what resolutions should be about? Living with more passion, more purpose, and more joy. Every Monday, I will share a new Live Moore list. Some lists are fun, some are inspirational, and some are all business.

This year I did not make my usual three New Year’s resolutions: lose weight, exercise more, and learn a new language. This year, I chose to make three resolutions that I will keep.

  1. Once a day, take one minute and think of something that makes me smile. Today, I thought about the time when my husband, Richard, and I were in Thailand at an elephant rehabilitation center. I helped feed, wash, and cuddle the baby elephants—a nice smile moment.
  2. Once a week, do a random act of kindness for a stranger.
  3. My act may never be known by the individual, but I will know.
  4. Once a month, take a long lunch with a friend that I have not seen in a while. When you travel as much as I do, taking time to keep in touch with friends is important. Friends, are you up for lunch?

What unconventional resolution would you like to explore for the next year?