Beautiful Libraries

Beautiful libraries: I have loved libraries since I was a child. I would enjoy the weekly Saturday morning trip to the library with my sister. I would spend hours walking up and down the aisles, especially the biography section, to see what book caught my attention. That love of libraries has never ended. Whenever I travel to a city, I try to find time to go to their library. Some of the most beautiful architectural buildings in the world are private or public libraries.

Here are what I can consider the 10 most beautiful and interesting libraries in the world:

  • Klementinum Library in Prague. A stunning baroque library housed in a monastery built in 1622.
  • Trinity College Library in Dublin. A 200-foot-long room that contains thousands of books including the Book of Kells.
  • Bibliotheca Alexandrina in Egypt. The ancient great library was destroyed by fire 1,600 years ago. The current architecture version opened in 2002.
  • Biblioteca Joanina at the University of Coimbra in Portugal. Built in 1717 with exotic carved wood and intricate mural arches.
  • Bodleian Library at the Oxford University in England. Their reading room was used for the Hogwarts library in the Harry Potter movies.
  • Library of Congress in Washington, D.C. The remains of Thomas Jefferson’s private book collection are here along with a Gutenberg Bible.
  • National Library of Bhutan. It’s technically a Buddhist temple and a library of rare books and printed materials.
  • The JP Morgan Library in New York City. They own one of the world’s greatest collections of illuminated manuscripts and medieval artworks.
  • Seattle Public Library in Seattle. It’s a futuristic glass building, where you walk up four stories on an incline spiral floor.
  • The Royal Library in Copenhagen, Denmark. It’s known as the Black Diamond made of glass and black granite with amazing harbor views.

On my recent Hungarian trip, I visited the Szabó Ervin Central Library in Budapest. With one of the world’s most beautiful reading rooms, it’s housed in what was once the Wenckheim Palace. I only wish that I could have checked out a book!

If you could get lost in a library anywhere in the world, whereand which sectionwould it be?